Our ESP gives you the ability to always see the enemy even when they are behind a wall, check out the images below, and look at how everyone is marked in pretty colors. Sv_cheats bypass, sv_consistency bypass, sv_pure bypass Speedhack, configurable hotkey, and speed Hit List, add friendly players to this list to kill them! Triggerbot will fire automatically when you have an enemy in your crosshairĬonfigurable for Visible / NotVisible Targetsįriends List, add friendly players to this list to not aim at them No Recoil, No Spread – all bullets hit the same spot!Īuto Fire, will auto-fire when the aimbot acquires a target! Lambert, player models appear much brighter Snap lines draw a line from you to the enemy!Ĭonfigurable Team/Enemy Colors(visible, not visible)Ĭonfigurable Colors, Zoom/Scale Factors & PositionĬonfigurable Cross Color, Size, and Structure Show player names, distance, skeleton, health & weaponīarrel ESP shows the direction a player is looking
Aim point(red crosshair where the aimbot is aiming, along with target name)Ĭonfigurable Max Distance, Prediction Limit & Aim BonesĬonfigurable Aim Angle(limits the aimbots aim vectors)Ĭritical Distance(targets within this distance take priority over others)